The Design of Station Control Layer in Micro-Grid Energy Manager System |
Fei Yang,Shen Run,Dai Guimu |
School of Electrical Engineering,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096 |
Abstract Gathering nodes information of WTs,photovoltaic,load and energy storage via EtherCAT bus by soft PLC from BECKHOFF Company.Then analyzing real-time data by Station control layer to release schedule,and realize ems functions.In the end,developing ems website as a remote access interface layer,to offer data maintenance ,data analysis,and show optimization effect.
Received: 22 January 2015
Published: 19 January 2015
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Fei Yang,Shen Run,Dai Guimu. The Design of Station Control Layer in Micro-Grid Energy Manager System[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(01): 6-10.
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