Study on Condensation of the Moisture in Current Transformers with Current Flow Considering Sharp Temperature Decrease |
Li Xiuguang1, Han Siman2, Guo Fei1, Liu Shitao1 |
1. State Grid NingXia Electric Power Research Institute, Yinchuan 075001; 2. Ningxia Industrial and Commercial Vocational Technical College, Yinchuan 750021 |
Abstract In order to analyze changes in ambient temperature condensation of SF6 current transformers internal influence, the paper under different conditions of SF6 current transformers internal moisture and relative humidity were studied experimental, results show that the dramatic changes in ambient temperature cause condensation inside the device, will cause the device to an insulation failure occurs.
Published: 10 February 2015
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Li Xiuguang,Han Siman,Guo Fei等. Study on Condensation of the Moisture in Current Transformers with Current Flow Considering Sharp Temperature Decrease[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(02): 27-30.
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