Abstract:Energy storage system is a device with the ability of rapid response, it could increase the flexibility of microgrid control system, and improve the security and ecnomic benefits of microgrid. Energy storage system plays a key role in the microgrid operation, in this paper, the benefit of island mode microgrid by using energy storage systems are investigated. Microgrid optimal scheduling scheme is used to solve a long-term unit commitment problem, and use into the storage system utility model. This paper use probabilistic reliability calculate the cost of reliability in the microgrid, through examples to verify the effectiveness of this method.
李锐,李鹏. 储能系统在孤岛微网中应用[J]. 电气技术, 2014, 15(06): 15-18.
Li Rui ,Li Peng. Energy Storage System Applications in the Islanding Microgrid. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(06): 15-18.
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