Research on Dynamic Reconfiguration of Active Distribution Network
Gong Xiaoxin1, Shu Bin2, Wu Zhensheng3
1. State Grid Beijing Electric Power Company, Beijing 100031; 2. Beijing Power Economic Research Institute, Beijing 100055; 3. CP High Technology Technology, Beijing 100044
Abstract:The reconfiguration of active power distribution network are realized through the switch on and off. The operation condition of the power system changes according to the load of the system. The distribution network reconfiguration is determined by the current operational status. Every section of power flow time includes an optimal topology of distribution network. Considering the best of the network loss, distribution network requires to reconfigure in all the time. The reconfiguration needs to change the switch status. Frequent switch’s operation causes the probability of failure increasing and makes the life of the switchgear decreasing. This is the reason why we find a balance between network loss and switching costs. This paper takes 24 hours as an example and every hour is one time interval. Each node’s load of each time is a fixed value. Three network topology that network loss is less in each period constitute a relatively optimal solution set. Two topology that between the consecutive period structure require to match. Not only match the switchs whom changes is less, but match in one pair. It has three chains connection between two consecutive times, and the chain will be formed by 24 time intervals. The final calculation of network loss, minimizing the sum of expenses and expenses of switch operation for selecting dynamic reconfiguration scheme.
巩晓昕, 舒彬, 吴振升. 主动配电网动态重构方法研究[J]. 电气技术, 2014, 15(12): 52-55.
Gong Xiaoxin, Shu Bin, Wu Zhensheng. Research on Dynamic Reconfiguration of Active Distribution Network. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(12): 52-55.
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