樊一娜, 吴博维, 李宇
北京师范大学珠海分校工程技术学院,广东 珠海 519087
Unified control strategy of distributed energy storage system for active distribution network
Fan Yina, Wu Bowei, Li Yu
School of Engineering and Technology, Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai, Guangdong 519087
摘要 配电系统作为未来电网的重要组成部分,正在不断完善,并逐步发展成为主动配电网。配电系统中的分布式发电系统、本地存储系统和响应负载严重影响了电网规划和调度过程。本文重点研究了主动配电网的最优运行方式与控制问题,特别是对电压的调节以及对线路阻塞的管理。本文还分析了主动配电网中的主要挑战与机遇,并讨论了这方面的最新进展。文章最后描述了一种基于广域信号的统一控制算法,用于改善电网的功率分布。
关键词 :
主动配电网 ,
辅助服务 ,
一次电压控制 ,
Abstract :Distribution system, as a transitional part of the future power grid, is constantly changing and gradually developing into active distribution network (ADNs). Distributed generation, local storage system and response load in distribution system seriously affect the process of power grid planning and dispatching. This paper focuses on the optimal operation and control of active distribution network, especially the regulation of voltage and the management of line congestion. In this paper, the main challenges and opportunities of active distribution network control are analyzed, and the latest progress in this field is discussed. Finally, a unified control algorithm based on wide-area signal is described to improve the power distribution of power grid.
Key words :
active distribution network
ancillary services
primary voltage control
electrical energy storage systems
收稿日期: 2018-07-20
出版日期: 2019-05-21
作者简介 : 樊一娜(1979-),女,江西省南昌市人,硕士研究生,讲师,主要从事电网规划研究工作。
樊一娜, 吴博维, 李宇. 分布式储能系统对主动配电网的统一控制策略[J]. 电气技术, 2019, 20(5): 14-18.
Fan Yina, Wu Bowei, Li Yu. Unified control strategy of distributed energy storage system for active distribution network. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(5): 14-18.
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