电气技术  2015, Vol. 16 Issue (06): 107-109    DOI:
技术与应用 |
龚灯才1, 朱晓华1, 尹海海1, 何学东2
1. 国网南通供电公司,江苏 南通 226006; 2. 南京量为石信息科技有限公司,南京 210016
Research on the Grading Warning Management Platform System of Transmission and Distribution Hazard Sources
Gong Dengcai1, Zhu Xiaohua1, Yin Haihai1, He Xuedong2
1. State Grid Nantong Power Supply Company, Nantong, Jiangsu 226006; 2. Nanjing G-Lens Information Technology Co., Ltd, Nanjing 210016