Operation Reliability Analysis of Primary Equipment in UHV DC
Song Zilin1, Cheng Ling2
1. Yibin Ultra High Voltage Administrative Bureau, State Grid Operation Co., Ltd, Yibin, Sichuan 644000; 2. Yibin Power Supply Company, State Grid, Yibin, Sichuan 644000
Abstract:When the snow disaster occurred, the double inverter DC lines run in parallel to further increase the current .It has obviously improved the ability of transmission line of melting ice. ±800kV UHV DC engineering equipped with a single pole double 12 pulse inverter series design, which can provide 46 species selection of operation mode, and with functions of inverter cast back online. This module type make UHV DC project has more selective and higher reliability. First of all, by comparing the conventional DC engineering and UHV DC engineering equipment connection mode, the single-pole double 12 pulse inverter running stability was analyzed. Then the ability of melting ice was studied and the reliability of the DC line single-pole double internal fault was analysed. Hope this paper can offer help in single-pole double the 12 pulse inverter application in the future.