涂娟, 汤宁平
福州大学电气工程与自动化学院,福州 350108
Operation and Control of Permanent Magnet Direct-Driven Wind Turbine under Unbalanced Grid Voltage
Tu Juan, Tang Ningping
College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108
摘要 针对电网电压不平衡故障,分析了永磁直驱风电机组的运行特性,提出了一种在正序旋转坐标系下网侧变换器控制策略。该控制策略针对不同的控制目标得到dq轴电流的给定值,并采用比例积分谐振控制器实现dq轴电流的控制,可实现在不平衡电网电压下抑制有功功率二倍频波动、抑制无功功率二倍频波动以及同时抑制网侧有功功率和无功功率二倍频波动。Matlab仿真结果表明,本文所提控制策略能够有效地实现各种控制目标。
关键词 :
风力发电 ,
直驱式 ,
电网电压不平衡 ,
Abstract :Under the unbalanced grid voltage condition, the performance characteristics of permanent magnet direct-drive wind turbine are analyzed. A control strategy of grid side converter in positive-sequence synchronous rotating frame is proposed. This strategy can control dq axis current by proportional integral resonant controller while it gets current reference values of different control objectives. The control objectives can be realized by restraining double frequency fluctuations of the active power, or restraining double frequency fluctuations of the reactive power, or restraining the active and reactive power fluctuations at the same time. Matlab simulation results show that the proposed control strategy can achieve control objectives effectively.
Key words :
wind power generation
unbalanced grid voltage
proportional- integral-resonant
出版日期: 2016-10-26
作者简介 : 涂 娟(1976-),女,福州大学讲师,博士研究生,研究方向为风力发电控制技术。
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Tu Juan, Tang Ningping. Operation and Control of Permanent Magnet Direct-Driven Wind Turbine under Unbalanced Grid Voltage. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(10): 11-16.
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