1. Liaoning Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Co., Ltd, Dalian, Liaoning 116319; 2. China Nuclear Power Technology Research Institute, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518124
Abstract:In nuclear power plant,the main transformer works as the throat which can connect power grid with the plant and transmit power. In the event of main transformer is not available during the nuclear power plant unit operation, the reactor of the unit has to shut down. Thus we can see the importance of the main transformer. Besides, the gas analysis for the transformer at present is seen as the barometer that can reflect the health condition for transformer. Via the analisis of gas dissolved in the oil, we can predict whether the transformer internal fault occurs, such as partial discharge, current shock, even a short circuit. The oil chromatogram multi-gas on-line monitoring device can real-time, rapidly and accurately analyze gas content of the oil sample, and the sampling period is shorter than manual sampling, therefore widely used in the electrical power industry.