电气技术  2018, Vol. 19 Issue (2): 123-126    DOI:
技术与应用 |
王禹1, 李旭东2
1. 中国人民大学附属中学,北京 100082
2. 浙江省教育科学研究院,杭州 310012
The patrolling operation and maintenance system for residential rooftop photovoltaic power stations
Wang Yu1, Li Xudong2
1. The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China, Beijing 100082
2. Zhejiang Research Institute of Education Science, Hangzhou 310012
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摘要 农村居民屋顶光伏电站是分布式发电的重要方式,也是我国精准扶贫政策的一项重要举措。研建居民屋顶光伏电站巡检运维系统,及时发现故障并迅速进行处置,是保障居民屋顶光伏电站发电效益的核心问题。本巡检运维系统由光伏板清洁子系统、信息采集通信子系统及监控运维中心子系统组成,该巡检运维系统可对居户屋顶光伏电站所有电气设备进行检测。本系统的实现,将彻底改变农村居民屋顶光伏电站重建设轻运行维护的弊端,从而保障困难农户的利益,为国家光伏扶贫政策保驾护航。
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关键词 屋顶光伏电站巡检运维系统光伏板并网逆变器    
Abstract:The establishment of rural residential rooftop photovoltaic power station is an important way of distributed generation, and is also an important measure of our country's precision poverty alleviation policy. To build the operation and maintenance system of rooftop photovoltaic power station, and find fault and deal with it promptly, is the core issue to ensure the benefit of residential rooftop photovoltaic power generation. The patrol operation and maintenance system is composed of photovoltaic panel cleaning subsystem, information collection and communication subsystem and monitoring operation center subsystem. The implementation of this system will completely change the disadvantages of the current operation and maintenance of the PV power station of the rural residents, so as to protect the interests of the difficult farmers and escort the national photovoltaic poverty alleviation policy.
Key wordsrooftop photovoltaic power station    patrolling operation and maintenance system    photovoltaic panel    grid connected inverter   
收稿日期: 2017-12-01      出版日期: 2018-02-07
王禹, 李旭东. 一种居民屋顶光伏电站巡检运维系统[J]. 电气技术, 2018, 19(2): 123-126. Wang Yu, Li Xudong. The patrolling operation and maintenance system for residential rooftop photovoltaic power stations. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(2): 123-126.