电气技术  2020, Vol. 21 Issue (7): 42-47    DOI:
研究与开发 |
蔡雨桥1, 林培杰1, 林耀海2, 郑巧1, 程树英1
1.福州大学物理与信息工程学院微纳器件与太阳能电池研究所,福州 350108;
2.福建农林大学计算机信息学院,福州 350002
Online fault detection method for photovoltaic array based on dynamic time warping
Cai Yuqiao1, Lin Peijie1, Lin Yaohai2, Zheng Qiao1, Cheng Shuying1
1. School of Physics and Information Engineering, and Institute of Micro-Nano Devices and Solar Cells, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108;
2. College of Computer and Information Sciences, Fujian Agriculture and Forest University, Fuzhou 350002