Abstract:Fristly, the composition of the frequency modulation (FM) performance index in the latest rules of the frequency regulation auxiliary service market in southern China is analyzed in this paper. Improving the FM performance of the unit can significantly improve the FM revenue. In order to improving the FM performance of the unit, the access scheme and control strategy of the combination system are proposed. The battery energy storage system (BESS) project in Guangzhou Zhongdian Lixin Thermoelectric Company has verified the practicability of the proposed control strategy. After performance test and actual running, the project has good economic benefits. The influence of medium pressure extraction subcritical unit on combined frequency regulation is effectively reduced. Although it can be predicted that the revenue of FM energy storage will decrease year by year under the current policy, the demand for FM energy storage will further increase with the large number of new energy access. Finally, it is proposed that the BESS has the prospect of stable cost recovery and even profitability under the effective incentive of Guangdong regulating ancillary service market.
毛庆汉. 储能联合火电机组参与调频辅助服务市场的工程应用[J]. 电气技术, 2021, 22(7): 103-108.
MAO Qinghan. Engineering application of battery energy storage system coordinated with thermal power unit in regulating ancillary service market. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(7): 103-108.