彭跃辉, 寇新民, 陈富国
河南平高电气股份有限公司,河南 平顶山 467001
Modular Design and Implementation of Intelligent Manipulation Device for Switchboard
Peng Yuehui, Kou Xinmin, Chen Fuguo
He’nan Pinggao Electric Co., Ltd, Pingdingshan, He’nan 467001
摘要 开关柜智能操控装置是开关柜中诸多分立测控装置的载体,是开关柜智能化水平的重要体现。随着开关柜智能操控装置集成功能的增多和增强,模块化设计思想在优化装置设计和灵活配置方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。在该新型操控装置的研制过程中,充分考虑了装置的软硬件功能划分、模块接合和防护隔离,并进行了相应的模块化设计。同时基于Microsoft Visual Studio平台开发了配套的调试软件,方便了间隔类型配置、偏差修正和系统调试。基于本文开发的新型开关柜智能操控装置已经通过了严格的电磁兼容检验和电气性能及安全检验,充分证明了该装置在复杂工况下的优异性能。
关键词 :
开关柜 ,
智能操控 ,
Abstract :Intelligent manipulation device for switchboard is a carrier of many discrete measuring and control devices. It directly embodied the intelligent level of switchboard. Along with the increasing and enhancing of function, the modularization design concept is increasingly important for optimization design and flexible configuration. To develop the new device, the functional partitioning, modulation conformity and protection isolation with modularization design concept are taken into consideration. We also developed a debugging software based on Microsoft Visual Studio. The software is convenient to interval type configuration, bias correction and system debugging. The new-type manipulation device has excellent performance and has passed strict electromagnetic compatibility test, electrical properties and safety test.
Key words :
intelligent manipulation
modular design
出版日期: 2016-02-26
作者简介 : 彭跃辉(1985-),男,硕士研究生,河南省平顶山市人,工程师,主要从事高压开关智能组件及变电站状态监测类产品研发工作。
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Peng Yuehui, Kou Xinmin, Chen Fuguo. Modular Design and Implementation of Intelligent Manipulation Device for Switchboard. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(2): 72-76.
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