Abstract:There are abundant crude oil&gas resources in the Iran-iraq region, for oil field power system, power load of each oil field is also huge, but the power capacity of national grid is not enough and there are a lot of natural gas, so gas-turbine generation power plant is normally constructed, and the distribute power for oil field loads vis overhead transmission line. This article will give brief introductions for power supply and distribution system in the Iran-iraq region oil field.
马建宇, 梅业伟, 李纯, 雷国鹏. 两伊地区油气田地面工程常用供配电系统简介[J]. 电气技术, 2016, 17(9): 126-128.
Ma Jianyu, Mei Yewei, Li Chun, Lei Guopeng. Power Supply and Distribution Introduction for Oil Field Surface Facilities in the Iran-iraq Region. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(9): 126-128.
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