Abstract:The insulation diagnosis of power cable is an important way to evaluate the aging degree of power cable. In recent years, the latest development of polarization/depolarization current (PDC) method can effectively reflect the overall dielectric ageing state. This paper studies the polarization/depolarization current characteristics of the power cable under different aging conditions and analyzes the relationship between current characteristics and aging degree. This paper first discusses the dielectric response theory of polarization/depolarization, and set up the cable aging and polarization/depolarization current testing plan. The equivalent model of three branches circuit is proposed based on the measured results, further analysis of the frequency response of the cable is discussed. The research shows that the tangent (tanδ(ω)) of the aging cable and the new cable has a significant difference in the low frequency range, which can be used to characterize the aging degree of cable insulation.
李智威, 孙利平. 基于电介质响应理论的10kV交联聚乙烯(XLPE)电力电缆绝缘诊断[J]. 电气技术, 2019, 20(2): 28-32.
Li Zhiwei, Sun Liping. Insulation diagnosis of 10kV crosslinked-polyethylene (XLPE) power cables based on PDC measurement. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(2): 28-32.
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