程胜杰1 , 李娟1 , 焦邵华2
1. 北京信息科技大学自动化学院,北京 100192; 2. 北京四方继保自动化有限公司,北京 100084
Transfer matrix method verifies the torsional vibration characteristics of generator shafting
Cheng Shengjie1 , Li Juan1 , Jiao Shaohua2
1. School of Automation, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing 100192; 2. Beijing Sifang Automation Co., Ltd, Beijing 100084
摘要 近年来,由发电机轴系扭转振动而发生的安全事故,对经济和人身安全造成了重大影响。基于此,本文对发电机组轴系的固有特性进行计算并对其振型进行研究:①用Riccati传递矩阵法对其进行计算分析,得到发电机组轴系的固有频率以及振型;②用Ansys软件建立发电机组轴系的实体模型,然后用限元软件对发电机轴系进行模态分析,得到发电机轴系的扭振特性以及前几阶的振型图;③最后将用两种不同方法得到的扭振特性结果、计算量以及对计算机资源的占用量进行对比。
关键词 :
连续质量模型 ,
发电机轴系 ,
扭转振动 ,
有限元法 ,
Abstract :In recent years, safety accidents caused by the occurrence of torsional vibration of generator shafting have a major impact on the economy and safety. Therefore, this paper studies the intrinsic characteristics of the generator shafting system and its vibration mode. This paper mainly uses two methods to study the torsional vibration characteristics of generator shafting. The first one is to calculate and analyze the Riccati transfer matrix method to obtain the natural frequency and mode shape of the generator shaft system. The second is to use Ansys software to establish the 3D solid model of the generator shaft system, and then use the limit software to analyze the generator shaft system, obtain the torsional vibration characteristics of the generator shaft system, and the vibration patterns of the first few orders. Finally, the results of torsional vibration characteristics obtained by two different methods, the amount of calculation, and the occupancy of computer resources are compared.
Key words :
continuous mass model
generator shafting
torsional vibration
finite element method
transfer matrix method
收稿日期: 2019-03-21
出版日期: 2019-09-29
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金项目(51477010)
作者简介 : 程胜杰(1995-),男,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为传感器检测技术及其在电力系统中的应用。
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Cheng Shengjie, Li Juan, Jiao Shaohua. Transfer matrix method verifies the torsional vibration characteristics of generator shafting. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(10): 19-24.
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