General Framework Design for Reconfigurable Intelligent Components in Substations Based on the Unified Platform |
Shen Changguo, Yu Haibo, Zou Wen, Deng Zuqiang |
NARI-TECH(Beijing) Control System Co., Ltd, Beijing 100193 |
Abstract This paper investigates the general framework of intelligent components based on the high-voltage smart equipment technical features, which is applicable to smart substations. The present situation of intelligent primary equipment is introduced, this paper shows the important meaning and gives the composition structure of intelligent primary equipment. By analyzing the function demands for the intelligent components, this paper proposes the guiding principles, designs a reconfigurable embedded unified platform, configures the intelligent components functions for main high-voltage equipment, and discusses the corresponding several key technical issues. By adopting the united platform based on the integration, optimization design technology, it can make use of the component reconfigurable ability to achieve on-demand configuration and multi-function integration consisting of measurement, control, monitoring, accounting and protection. This has great significances for our country to improve core components, promote the independent technical innovation abilities.
Published: 26 June 2014
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Shen Changguo,Yu Haibo,Zou Wen等. General Framework Design for Reconfigurable Intelligent Components in Substations Based on the Unified Platform[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(02): 47-53.
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