Research on the Analysis and Protective Strategy of Grid side Load Throw-off Fault of Full Power Converter for Direct-drive Wind Turbine |
Gu Weifeng, Yang Zhiqian, Guo Rui |
Beijing Etechwin Electric Co., Ltd, Beijing 100176 |
Abstract Direct-drive technology is applied in large scale wind turbine more and more popularly. As only power pathway between the grid and the Direct-drive wind turbine, the reliability of full power converter is very important for utilization ratio of turbine. In this paper, the fault of load throw-off on the grid side is analyzed in detail. Under this fault operating mode, if the effective protection is not adopted, the DC bus voltage of converter will steps up quickly, and the power devices especially IGBT modules will be broke down. Thus a novel protective strategy is proposed and the validity of the strategy is supported by simulation result.
Published: 22 December 2014
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Gu Weifeng,Yang Zhiqian,Guo Rui. Research on the Analysis and Protective Strategy of Grid side Load Throw-off Fault of Full Power Converter for Direct-drive Wind Turbine[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(11): 29-32.
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