Research on Transformer Magnetizing Inrush Current Identification Criterion Based on Wavelet Analysis |
Lu Wangyun1, Cao Yonggan1, Li Miaomiao2 |
1. State Grid He’nan Electric Power Corporation Zhoukou Power Supply Corporation, Zhoukou, He’nan 466000; 2. Zhoukou Normal University, Zhoukou, He’nan 466000 |
Abstract In order to prevent the misoperation of differential protection caused by magnetizing inrush current of transforme, in this paper, theoretically analyses and simulation studies generation mechanism, influence facts and wave characteristic of magnetizing inrush current. This dissertation presents a new scheme for discrimination of power transformer magnetizing inrush current and internal fault current using wavelet packet transform from energy point of view. The power system models are constructed by Matlab to simulate inrush current and internal fault current of transformers with different switch on conditions. A reasonable criterion is given, based on the trend of wavelet packet energy time spectrum (increase or decrease). Through the simulation analysis of large number of examples, further verified the feasibility of the method.
Published: 22 December 2014
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Lu Wangyun,Cao Yonggan,Li Miaomiao. Research on Transformer Magnetizing Inrush Current Identification Criterion Based on Wavelet Analysis[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(12): 8-12.
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