Research on the Correlation between the Voltage Limiter with Circuit Breaker under Overvoltage Conditions |
Chen Mingzhong |
Nanjing Railway Vocational and Technical College, Nanjing 210031 |
Abstract In order to analyze the relevance of the voltage limiter and breaker action, to solve the problem for current transformer secondary side current response characteristics on protection issues through the arrester action under voltage conditions, the models of current transformer overvoltage arrester system were established under conditions system. Parameters of the model on the basis of operating records and equipment conditions Nanjing determine a 10KV substation, where the current transformer excitation parameters achieved by the test. To the impact of current source characteristics arrester action was equivalent to the current of the current transformer secondary side is solved. Operating experience and model simulations show that under the impact of the current role of the current transformer secondary characteristic is influenced by many factors, including the wave impedance of greater impact, the time constant of the secondary current and wave breaker will decide whether tripping.
Published: 20 November 2015
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Chen Mingzhong. Research on the Correlation between the Voltage Limiter with Circuit Breaker under Overvoltage Conditions[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(11): 57-60.
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