Multiple lightning waveform parameter evaluation method for overvoltage analysis of ultra-high voltage alternating current transmission lines |
WANG Zhengxi1,2, LIANG Tao1,2, GUO Tongwei1,2, ZENG Hong3, CUI Tao3 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049; 2. School of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049; 3. State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Research Institute, Chengdu 610041 |
Abstract Ultra-high voltage AC power system usually uses standard lightning current parameters to calculate external overvoltage, and lightning observation data show that more than 80% of the lightning process is multiple lightning strikes, which is significantly different from the standard recommended waveform. Under the background of frequent multiple lightning accidents in ultra-high voltage AC system, it is urgent to put forward a rigorous and scientific evaluation method of multiple lightning parameters. Therefore, this paper takes a 500kV AC ultra-high voltage transmission system as the object, and proposes a multiple lightning current waveform parameter evaluation method considering the transient characteristics of the line from the extreme lightning conditions and the actual fault recording. The analysis shows that the fault recording inversion method can characterize the real multiple lightning strikes. Extreme multiple lightning strikes method analyzes the lightning current parameters under harsh conditions from the lightning resistance level of the cable. The waveform parameter evaluation method proposed in this paper provides a technical scheme for overvoltage analysis of ultr-high voltage transmission system in lightning-prone areas.
Received: 02 August 2024
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WANG Zhengxi,LIANG Tao,GUO Tongwei等. Multiple lightning waveform parameter evaluation method for overvoltage analysis of ultra-high voltage alternating current transmission lines[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2025, 26(1): 14-22.
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