The Research for Wind Power and Thermal Power Control System |
Liu Hongbin1,Wang Zhenxia2,Fei Weidong1,Li Hailin1,Yan Bingqing1 |
1. Guodian Shuangyashan Power Generation Co., Ltd, Shuangyashan, Heilongjiang 155100; 2. Beijing Sifang Automation Co., Ltd, Beijing 100084 |
Abstract As the wind power output is random, intermittent, uncontrollable characteristics, which bring many problems to the safety operation of power grid, many Power Grid Corp had to give up the wind. Using wind power and thermal power co-generation control strategy can improve the utilization of wind power. This paper presents a structure of wind power and thermal power co-generation control system, and combined with the practical application, specify the functions of the control system, proposed how to use the wind power replacement power strategy and the wind power and thermal adjusting mode.
Published: 28 September 2015
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Liu Hongbin,Wang Zhenxia,Fei Weidong等. The Research for Wind Power and Thermal Power Control System[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(9): 25-29.
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