The Study on the Link Operational Test of Cascade Static Synchronous Compensator |
Shao Yanqiu,Shao Yixiang,Wang Xiaohong,Liang Shuaiqi |
State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, Nanjing 211000 |
Abstract Link operational test is an important test that must be done before the static synchronous compensator puts into practice. The purpose of the test is to validate the link’s ability of withstanding the joint strength of voltage and current not only in the repeated normal and abnormal cases but transient fault cases. This paper analyzes the principle of the link operational test and the processes of the working stage; then puts forward a method on how to calculate the value of the link inductance according to the series resonance theory; and designs a set of completed and reasonable test strategy on the basis of island operation power system and feed-forward decoupling control theory. Test results of PSCAD|EMTDC simulation provide that the parameter designing is valid and the test strategy is rational.
Published: 28 September 2015
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Shao Yanqiu,Shao Yixiang,Wang Xiaohong等. The Study on the Link Operational Test of Cascade Static Synchronous Compensator[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(9): 20-24.
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