Study on Power Grid Dispatching Model Considering the Capability of Wind Power Generation |
Wu Lei |
Yunnan Power Grid Company Limited of Qujing Power Supply Bureau, Qujing, Yunnan 655000 |
Abstract One of the characteristics of smart grid is to fully absorb renewable energy. Wind power generation randomness is strong, to the power grid brings many uncertainties. In order to maximize the absorb wind energy, taking into account the safety of power grid, must abandon the traditional scheduling plan based on the N-1 or the consideration of the formulation methods, but should be in and transmission component failure probability based on the construction of power grid scheduling model and the model of the pursuit of power system static security and wind power capacity to absorb collaborative optimization. Examples in different wind conditions as the background, the maximum allowable wind power, wind surfing, wind stroke case calculation. The research shows that, through scientific scheduling optimization, the wind power can play a supporting role to the grid, while avoiding the impact of wind power on the grid.
Published: 13 December 2016
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