Optimization Suggestions on Lightning Protection of 500 kV Transmission Line |
Sun Zhipeng1, Wang Wen2, Qian Shaofeng1 |
1. State Grid Hangzhou Power Supply Company, Hangzhou 310006; 2. State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Corporation, Hangzhou 310004 |
Abstract Simulation calculation can effectively simulate the performance of electric wave on the transmission line. Further more, we can put forward the optimization design on lightning protection. This article research the optimization lightning protection based on the Zhejiang power grid 500kV Anhe-5828 transmission line. Firstly, a lightning tower top simulation model of 500kV transmission line was constructed based on PSCAD. Further we research the optimal configuration of lightning arrester, insulator and tower type from the economy and lightning protection features. Finally, this paper put forward the lightning protection configuration optimization suggestions of Anhe-5828 transmission line, which has a lot of practical significance.
Published: 22 March 2016
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Sun Zhipeng,Wang Wen,Qian Shaofeng. Optimization Suggestions on Lightning Protection of 500 kV Transmission Line[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(3): 64-68.
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