The Method for Screening the Principal Characteristic Group of Harmonic Pollution Using the Historical Monitoring Data |
Lin Kunjie1, Pan Xia2, Zhang Yan1, Shao Zhenguo1 |
1. College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116; 2. Electric Power Bureau of Ningde, Ningde, Fujian 352000 |
Abstract The mutual influence between different harmonic orders need to be considered in coupling model of harmonic pollution, which makes the model complex. This paper introduces a method for screening the principal characteristic group of harmonic pollution based on the historical monitoring data. Firstly, principle component analysis (PCA) is used for calculating index of harmonic characteristics via the correlation coefficient between the principal components and original variables. Then the principal characteristic group is extracted from historical monitoring data in terms of aforementioned index. Finally, the feasibility of proposed method is verified via a case study on power quality monitoring data gathered form distribution network of Ningde.
Published: 20 January 2017
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Lin Kunjie,Pan Xia,Zhang Yan等. The Method for Screening the Principal Characteristic Group of Harmonic Pollution Using the Historical Monitoring Data[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(1): 39-43.
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