The strength analysis of earthing switches based on coupled field theory |
Cheng Li, Dong Guihua, Zhang Xin |
XD Switchgear Electric Co., Ltd, Xi’an 710077 |
Abstract The 3-D finite element model of earthing switches (ES) is developed based on the coupled field theory. The electromagnetic force and current distribution are calculated using Maxwell equations. Then the displacement and deformations of the parts of ES under electromagnetic force are calculated. And the structure of ES is optimized based on the calculation. The results indicate that the electromagnetic force of each part has three directions, the supports in each direction should be considered during the design.
Received: 19 July 2017
Published: 22 January 2018
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Cheng Li,Dong Guihua,Zhang Xin. The strength analysis of earthing switches based on coupled field theory[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(1): 40-44.
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