Cascaded battery cell equalizer for energy storage system and its self-balancing control strategy |
Chen Wei1, Ye Shaoshi2, Liu Dong1 |
1. Zhejiang Insigma United Engineering Co., Ltd, Hangzhou 310051; 2. Nokia Networks, Hangzhou 310053 |
Abstract The micro grid dedicated to urban area applications demands the battery cell equalizer with simplicity both in perspectives of circuitry and energy control strategy when used in the energy storage system. To fulfill that aim, this paper presents a novel cascaded battery cell equalizer, which possesses a very simple equalizer module consisting of power switches and a low value inductor for each cell. This equalizer module also connects to a bus capacitor and conduct energy flow bi-directionally between battery cells and the bus capacitor to realize equalization. The control strategy is also simple and free of the sensors and MCU to implement complex algorithms for each cell. So that the equalizer is volume friendly and cost effective. The detail operation principles, as well as the design considerations, were presented. A test prototype and a battery charging platform were built to verify the validity and applicability of this equalizer, which proves its engineering value for industrial practice.
Received: 01 June 2017
Published: 22 January 2018
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Chen Wei,Ye Shaoshi,Liu Dong. Cascaded battery cell equalizer for energy storage system and its self-balancing control strategy[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(1): 45-49.
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