Phase calibration of current sensor based on phase frequency characteristic |
Li Chuyuan |
Inno Instrument (China) INC., Shanghai 200233 |
Abstract The phase measurement error occurs because of the responsetime of the current sensor, largely and directly affecting the accuracy for the power measurement. To solve this problem, a mathematical model is established in this thesis to develop a phase calibration system by which the multiple current sensors can be calibrated automatically and simultaneously. With this phase calibration system, the signal of the current sensor is captured and used for calculating the transfer function. During measurement, the instrument with power measurement function will acquire the phase-delay signal under test at different frequency based on the phase frequency characteristic of the calibrated current sensor, and compensate the phase error to achieve accurate measurement. In practical use, the phase error for the sensor measurement has decreased to less than 0.2°, meeting the requirement of high precision powermeasurement, stably and efficiently.
Received: 12 January 2018
Published: 23 October 2018
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