Simulation comparison between two models of the harmonic voltage contributions determination of the concerned bus |
An Haiqing, Yue Na, Xing Yuxin |
State Grid Jibei Electric Power Company Limited Maintenance Branch Company, Beijing 102488 |
Abstract The models of harmonic voltage contributions determination are divided into two categories. The first model is called a single-point equivalent model, which is to allocate the harmonic voltage contributions between the concerned harmonic sources at the single point of common connection and the grid side. The second model is called a multi-point equivalent model, which is to determine the harmonic contributions of the multiple harmonic sources at the distal end of a particular bus. The characteristics and their application of occasions of the two models are theoretically analyzed and compared in detail in this paper. Several case studies based on the IEEE 14-bus standard test system are conducted. The simulation results show that the single-point equivalent model is suitable for the harmonic voltage contributions determination when the background harmonic voltage fluctuation is constant or small. However, when all the main harmonic sources in the system are known, the multi-point equivalent model can avoid the shortcomings of the single-point equivalent model, i.e. the error of the harmonic impedance estimation is too large which is caused by the background harmonic voltage fluctuation, so that the harmonic voltage contributions of each harmonic source at concerned bus can be determined more accurately.
Received: 25 April 2018
Published: 16 November 2018
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An Haiqing,Yue Na,Xing Yuxin. Simulation comparison between two models of the harmonic voltage contributions determination of the concerned bus[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(11): 55-59.
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