The applications of the real-time groundwire management system in the power system |
Yang Lin1, Zhao Hongbo1, Zhao Shouzhong1, Feng Lei2, Yang Wei2 |
1. State Grid Liaoning Electric Power Supply Co., Ltd, Skills Training Center, Jinzhou, Liaoning 121001; 2. Liaoning Tuoxin Power Electronics Co., Ltd, Jinzhou, Liaoning 121000; |
Abstract In power system, because the severity misoperation caused the leakage of the temporary groundwire after equipment maintenance, there is a serious threat to the power grid. For connection and removal of the groundwire, the traditional groundwire management has been unable to meet the current requirements. Real-time groundwire management system is developed to solve this problem. The hardware of the system applies the most advanced ZigBee wireless telecommunication technology and RFID wireless frequency technology, with the background software developed by Microsoft’s latest Development Platform, all of which enable the system to provide friendly interface between user and machine, realize real-time reflection of the connection, on-off status, site connection position of groundwire, and can be connected with Mis-operation Prevention system. The system has been proved by actual practice to realize real-time standard management of groundwire and prevention of misoperation.
Received: 12 September 2017
Published: 19 March 2018
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Yang Lin,Zhao Hongbo,Zhao Shouzhong等. The applications of the real-time groundwire management system in the power system[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(3): 121-125.
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