Research on comprehensive diagnosis analysis and management improvement of main transformer based on asset life cycle management |
Wang Yang1, He Lanfei2, Peng Zhongze1, Li Zhiwei2, Sun Liping2 |
1. Hubei Electric Power Limited Company of State Grid, Wuhan 430077; 2. Institute of Economy and Technology in Hubei Electric Power Company Limited Liability of State Grid, Wuhan 430077 |
Abstract In order to realize lean management of physical assets of the power grid, taking the main transformers—the important physical assets of power grid enterprises—as the object, this paper puts forward a comprehensive analysis and evaluation system of the main transformer operation management, which is divided into the status evaluation and special analysis of two parts. Based on the evaluation of real assets management, the current situation is analyzed from the five dimensions of assets scale, utilization efficiency, health level, cost scale and decommissioning, so as to master the shortcomings of main transformer operation management. On this basis, this paper further links total assets life cycle management. With data mining technology, this paper carries on deep analysis of the schedule planning, material purchasing, operations, maintenance, and then enhances whole chain management of main transformer with realization of the integrated optimal of assets safety, efficiency and cost.
Received: 26 November 2018
Published: 17 June 2019
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Wang Yang,He Lanfei,Peng Zhongze等. Research on comprehensive diagnosis analysis and management improvement of main transformer based on asset life cycle management[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(6): 88-94.
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