Assessment of power supply capacity for traction power supply system based on negative list |
FENG Wenjie1, XU Hong1, LI Jiantao2, ZHANG Wanqi3, MENG Lingyu3 |
1. Power Supply Branch of Guoneng Xinshuo Railway Co., Ltd, Ordos, Inner Mongolia 010300; 2. Xuejiawan Power Supply Branch, Inner Mongolia Electric Power (Group) Co., Ltd, Ordos, Inner Mongolia 010300; 3. School of Electrical Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044 |
Abstract During the whole life cycle of electrified railway, power supply capacity assessment is carried out throughout the initial scheme design, line operation, and upgrading and transformation. Based on the existing standards and pain points and weak points of field maintenance, this paper analyzes the factors affecting the performance of traction power supply system. Five sub-indicators including winding hot spot temperature and transformer drop capacitance are determined from the aspects of traction transformer load capacity and catenary power supply quality. Then, the core indexes are deducted and judged based on the management mode of negative list. The threshold scores are used to estimate the system abnormality. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is further used to set the weights of each index layer to establish a real-time power supply capacity assessment system. Finally, the feasibility of the assessment system is verified based on the measured data of Shenshuo railway obtained from the deployment platform. The results show that the corresponding power supply section has an assessment score lower than 70 from 2:00 am to 2:30 am. Based on this, abnormal tracing is carried out, and the train organization during the corresponding time is adjusted to assist the on-site maintenance, which can improve the system operation reliability and maintenance efficiency.
Received: 16 September 2023
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FENG Wenjie,XU Hong,LI Jiantao等. Assessment of power supply capacity for traction power supply system based on negative list[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(12): 27-34.
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