Dehumidification way of substation switchgear based on semiconductor technology |
Huang Yuling1, Li He2, Dong Zhaoqiang1, Fu Hai1, Yang Bin1 |
1. State Grid Tianshui Power Supply Company, Tianshui, Gansu 741300; 2. State Grid Pudong Power Supply Company of Shanghai, Shanghai 200120 |
Abstract The good operating environment of the switchgear is very important for the safe and stable operation of the power equipment. At present, the traditional dehumidification equipment used in switchgear has weakness. In this paper, a kind of dehumidification equipment for substation switchgear based on semiconductor technology is designed. Firstly, the dehumidification process of the equipment is modeled mathematically. Secondly, the hardware platform is built based on TMS320C28X chip of TI, and the temperature and humidity are controlled by PI control. Finally, the experiment is carried out by simulating the actual working environment. By comparing the experimental value with the theoretical value, it is found that the dehumidification effect of the equipment can be achieved quickly, which proves that the equipment has certain stability and practicability.
Received: 18 June 2019
Published: 20 March 2020
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Huang Yuling,Li He,Dong Zhaoqiang等. Dehumidification way of substation switchgear based on semiconductor technology[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(3): 141-145.
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