Research on modeling of electric power transaction process based on blockchain technology |
Ji Bin1, Zhu Minjian1, Zhang Huaiyu2, Zhai Haibao2, Wu Xin2 |
1. NARI Group Corporation (State Grid Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd,), Nanjing 211106; 2. East China Division of State Grid Corporation of China, Shanghai 200120 |
Abstract The development of electricity marketization on the residential side is an indispensable part of the ubiquitous electricity internet of things. Blockchain technology is one of the optional technologies for the realization of intelligent power transactions on the residential side, and the specific transaction process is lacking research. Based on the composition of the blockchain and its technical characteristics, and based on financial transactions, this paper proposes a typical transaction flow for market participants in the electricity transaction under the environment of the residential side open electricity market based on blockchain technology. According to the needs of power trading, the power trading using blockchain technology is divided into 7 steps and abstracted separately. Finally, the power transaction based on blockchain technology is analyzed, and the transaction process is further explained in combination with the case, which provides a reference for the introduction of new technologies for the design of ubiquitous power internet of things power transactions.
Received: 09 December 2019
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Ji Bin,Zhu Minjian,Zhang Huaiyu等. Research on modeling of electric power transaction process based on blockchain technology[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(6): 26-34.
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