Research on recovery characteristics of AC system fault for Belo Monte Ⅱ UHVDC |
Li Lin, Lyu Yanbei, Gong Fei, Wang Yongping |
NR Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102 |
Abstract The recovery characteristic after AC fault is an important index of the control performance of DC system. The fast and stable recovery of DC system is beneficial to the stable operation of AC system. The parameter setting of DC system controller is a key factor affecting the recovery characteristics after AC fault. For different DC projects, the control parameters need to be adjusted according to the results of dynamic performance test. Aiming at the problems encountered in the dynamic performance test of Belo Monte Ⅱ UHVDC Project in Brazil, analyze the causes and propose solutions, the recovery characteristics after AC fault are improved by adjusting control parameters, which meets the engineering requirements. It can be used for reference to improve the recovery characteristics of other DC projects.
Received: 17 December 2019
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Li Lin,Lyu Yanbei,Gong Fei等. Research on recovery characteristics of AC system fault for Belo Monte Ⅱ UHVDC[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(7): 57-63.
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