Design and implementation of on-line monitoring and checking system for secondary security measures in smart substation |
Liu Zhiren1, Cao Weijie1, Cao Weiguo2, Song Qiang2, Li Ke3 |
1. State Grid Wuxi Power Supply Company, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214061; 2. Five-C Smart Power Grid Technology Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211106; 3. Hubei University, Wuhan 430062 |
Abstract In view of the current situation of low efficiency and error-prone in filling in and executing the secondary security measures ticket in smart substation, online monitoring and checking cannot cover all secondary security measures states, an online monitoring and checking method for secondary security measures based on MMS network is proposed, and a secondary security measures system is designed. The system integrates the function of the security measures ticket manual graphic invoicing and the one-click automatic generation, and automatically exports the security measures ticket in Word format and the electronic security measures ticket in XML format. Developed a offline terminal which has the function of back, parsing electronic security measures ticket, to cooperate with the secondary security measures server from MMS network real time collecting information, to confirm every step by the care workers, and to realize the collection of all secondary security measures state, monitoring and checking. Through the two aspects of automatic generation and online monitoring and checking, the efficiency of on-site renovation and expansion, maintenance and defect treatment of smart substation can be improved, and the risk of work errors caused by human factors can be reduced at the same time.
Received: 10 January 2020
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Liu Zhiren,Cao Weijie,Cao Weiguo等. Design and implementation of on-line monitoring and checking system for secondary security measures in smart substation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(7): 89-93.
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