Voltage sag control technology based on static var generator split-control |
Gong Bo1, Zhao Jianyang1, Liu Huiqiao2 |
1. China Energy Engineering Group Tianjin Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd, Tianjin 300400; 2. Department of Automation Engineering, Zhonghuan Information College, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300380 |
Abstract Voltage sag will seriously affect the safety of industrial production, especially causes the industrial production line using a large number of inverters to stop working, which is solved by a voltage sag compensation technology based on SVG split phase control technology. With the help of the reactive power absorption or emission characteristics of real-time, rapid, accurate of SVG equipment, the technology can intelligently select the instantaneous fault control strategy through the bus condition logic analysis module when the single-phase or multi-phase instantaneous ground short-circuit fault or instantaneous inter phase short-circuit condition occurs, in order to ensure that the voltage sensitive electrical equipment can always work normally. It ensures the production line connection Continuous safe operation which will not extend the voltage sag problem to the superior power system. By Matlab/Simulink, the simulation of single-phase and phase to phase instantaneous short circuit is carried out. The simulation results show that SVG equipment can compensate the voltage of sag and meet the normal operation of all electrical equipment in the same bus.
Received: 30 January 2020
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Gong Bo,Zhao Jianyang,Liu Huiqiao. Voltage sag control technology based on static var generator split-control[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(9): 33-38.
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