Multi-function optimal configuration method of building charging station and data center station based on substation resources |
LIU Xinmeng1, SHI Rongchao2, LYU Fengbo1, JU Li1, YANG Fan1 |
1. Beijing Electric Power Economic Research Institute, Beijing 100055; 2. Tsinghua Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute, Chengdu 610213 |
Abstract This paper analyzed the multi-functional optimal configuration of energy storage system, charging and swapping station, data center when building a new substation. The demands of energy storage system, charging and swapping station and data center in large-scale urban power grid are analyzed. The location and capacity configuration method of energy storage system, charging and swapping station and data center are studied. Finally, practical technical configuration principles of energy storage system, charging and swapping station, data center when building a new substation are proposed.
Received: 25 May 2020
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LIU Xinmeng,SHI Rongchao,LYU Fengbo等. Multi-function optimal configuration method of building charging station and data center station based on substation resources[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(2): 1-5.
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