Feeder power flow control simulation of direct current ice melting device based on modular multilevel converter |
BAN Guobang1,2, NIU Wei1,2, YANG Wenyong1,2, LI Jianwen3, LI Rong3 |
1. Electric Power Research Insitute of Guizhou Power Grid Co., Ltd, Guiyang 550002; 2. Key Laboratory of Anti-icing and Disaster Reduction of China Southern Power Grid Corporation, Guiyang 550002; 3. State Key Lab of New Energy and Power Systems of North China Electric Power University, Baoding, Hebei 071003 |
Abstract This paper expands the function of the DC ice melting device based on modular multilevel converter (MMC), uses the symmetrical topology of rectifier side to extend it into a double-ended flexible interconnection device, which is connected to the distribution network to control feeder power flow. The voltage and current of AC system is changed to meet upper-level power command changes. A certain amount of reactive power is provided from the opposite AC system when a short-term voltage fluctuation occurs in one of the AC systems. Thus the reliability of the distribution network's power supply is improved while the utilization rate of the device is increased. First, topology of the DC ice melting device based on modular multilevel converter and control method of the rectifier side are designed and explained, then a double-ended flexible interconnection device model is built on simulation platform, and the voltage and current waveforms of transition process is obtained by changing power reference value and temporary voltage fluctuations. The results verifiy effectiveness of the DC ice melting as a flexible interconnection device to achieve feeder power flow control outside the ice melting period.
Received: 09 April 2021
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BAN Guobang,NIU Wei,YANG Wenyong等. Feeder power flow control simulation of direct current ice melting device based on modular multilevel converter[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(9): 27-33.
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