Design of new generation intelligent recorder master station system based on transparent architecture |
LI Bo1, WEN Wenjian1, YANG Ziwen1, YAN Li2, ZENG Lingsen2 |
1. Wuzhou Power Supply Bureau, Guangxi Power Grid Co., Ltd, Wuzhou, Guangxi 543002; 2. Wuhan Huadian Shuncheng Science Technology Co., Ltd, Wuhan 430071 |
Abstract Aiming at the problem that the traditional recorder master station is difficult to support the data explosion of the latest “four in one” intelligent wave recorder, as well as expanding demands of the secondary system operation visualization, equipment intelligent maintenance and other new business, a new generation of intelligent recorder master station system based on transparency architecture is proposed. The overall framework of the master station system is designed. The transparent operation process of the functional modules is proposed. Two basic problems of the indiscriminate compatibility of conventional and intelligent recorders and the standardized processing of multi-source heterogeneous data are solved. Virtualized task computing transparency and visualized operation status transparency technology are researched. The level of awareness and control of faults in scheduling is improved through real-time monitoring of process indicators and panoramic display of operating status. Practical results show that the system can achieve goals of grid-level operation status perception and rapid fault handling.
Received: 03 March 2021
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LI Bo,WEN Wenjian,YANG Ziwen等. Design of new generation intelligent recorder master station system based on transparent architecture[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(9): 63-69.
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