Influence of low excitation correction strategy on automatic voltage control substation system at power plant side and its application |
ZHI Xiaochen, LI Yuqi, QIU Wenjun, ZHANG Shunren, CHEN Xiaoyi |
Shanghai Minghua Electric Power Science & Technology Co., Ltd, Shanghai 200090 |
Abstract Low excitation action leads to the exit of automatic voltage control (AVC) substation system, which affects the safe and economic operation of power plant. Based on the principle of low excitation limit and the basis of low excitation correction, this paper discusses the influence of low excitation correction on low excitation limit and AVC-PQ setting. Through the analysis of the measured data of low excitation correction, the reasonable setting strategy of low excitation limit and AVC-PQ setting is summarized, and its beneficial effect is verified through special tests. In the aspect of engineering application, it provides an effective reference for the operation optimization of power plant AVC substation system.
Received: 21 July 2021
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ZHI Xiaochen,LI Yuqi,QIU Wenjun等. Influence of low excitation correction strategy on automatic voltage control substation system at power plant side and its application[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(1): 78-83.
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