Simulation research on accumulation of winding deformation considering the phase-to-phase influence of power transformer |
XU Minglong, XU Yuzhen, LAN Sheng, LIN Ye, CHEN Jie |
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108 |
Abstract The windings of power transformers will be deformed under short-circuit impact, so it is particularly important to study the cumulative effect of winding deformations. In this paper, firstly, the simulation models of transformer winding leakage magnetic field under only A-phase excitation and both A and B excitation are established respectively, and Maxwell is used to calculate the leakage magnetic field and the axial magnetic field of the winding. Secondly, the simulation model of transformer leakage magnetic field-electrodynamic volume density excitation-winding deformation accumulation under short-circuit impulse conditions is constructed by using Ansys software, and the relationship between the deformation of the winding and the number of impulses under the two models is compared and analyzed. The research results show that when the B-phase excitation is increased, the winding leakage magnetic field and the axial magnetic field strength increase, and the deformation caused by a single impact is larger, and the short-circuit current impact reduces the number of impacts of sudden changes in the deformation of the winding.
Received: 09 August 2021
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XU Minglong,XU Yuzhen,LAN Sheng等. Simulation research on accumulation of winding deformation considering the phase-to-phase influence of power transformer[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(2): 13-19.
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