Study on vibration reliability of gas insulated enclosed metal switchgear used in offshore wind power |
YANG Yong, SHI Fangying, PAN Qiaomei |
Xi’an XD Switchgear Electric Co.,Ltd,Xi’an 710077 |
Abstract Gas insulated enclosed metal switchgear (GIS) for offshore wind power is usually installed in offshore booster stations. GIS is subject to long-term impact of vibration loads such as wind waves and tide during hoisting, transportation and normal operation. In order to ensure that GIS can meet the offshore vibration conditions, it is necessary to carry out the corresponding anti-vibration calculation or simulation check on the structural strength of GIS in the design stage. At present, there are few relevant specifications on anti-vibration calculation of GIS for offshore wind power in China. Combined with the GIS design experience of several offshore booster stations, this paper studies the stress characteristics of GIS for offshore wind power during installation, transportation and operation, and designs a calculation method for anti-vibration simulation of offshore wind power GIS in combination with relevant standards, so as to provide reference for relevant designers.
Received: 14 March 2022
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YANG Yong,SHI Fangying,PAN Qiaomei. Study on vibration reliability of gas insulated enclosed metal switchgear used in offshore wind power[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(8): 31-35.
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