Lightning risk assessment of 35kV overhead lines in mountainous areas based on entropy weight and TOPSIS method |
ZHU Daojun, ZHANG Wenfeng, LI Guobin |
Dali Power Supply Bureau,Yunnan Power Grid Co.,Ltd,Dali,Yunnan 671000 |
Abstract In order to evaluate the lightning risk of overhead lines in mountainou areas more objectively, the lightning resistance level of the 35kV overhead line in different operating conditions is calculated based on the ATP-EMTP. A lightning strike risk assessment model considering mountainous terrain is established based on entropy weight and technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution (TOPSIS) method, and the comprehensive assessment of lightning risk between line section and tower is realized. The actual line is comprehensively evaluated, and the corresponding lightning protection suggestions are given for overhead lines located in different terrains. The results show that the lightning density has a great influence on the lightning risk of 35kV overhead lines, and lightning faults are mostly caused by induced lightning overvoltage. Installation of arresters can significantly improve the lightning protection ability of lines and inhibit the occurrence of lightning strike faults. The lightning protection scheme should be configured properly according to the different terrain and risk levels of the line.
Received: 26 April 2022
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ZHU Daojun,ZHANG Wenfeng,LI Guobin. Lightning risk assessment of 35kV overhead lines in mountainous areas based on entropy weight and TOPSIS method[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(8): 23-30.
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