Calculation and analysis of wind deflection in transmission lines based on K-means clustering algorithm |
ZHANG Xiaodong1, LI Bo2, ZHANG Tiange2, WANG Xiaoming2 |
1. Economic and Technical Research Institute of State Grid Inner Mongolia Eastern Electric Power Co., Ltd, Hohhot 010011; 2. Chifeng Power Supply Company of State Grid Inner Mongolia Eastern Electric Power Co., Ltd, Chifeng, Inner Mongolia 024000 |
Abstract In response to the frequent occurrence of line corridor accidents caused by wind deviation faults in the eastern Inner Mongolian region, this article uses the K-means clustering algorithm to seasonally classify and aggregate wind data from the Ningcheng region over the years. Based on the clustering results, wind deviation calculations are conducted on the transmission corridors of the Ningtian Ⅱ 220kV transmission line by season, and the risk level of transmission line inspection is divided. Data-driven methods are used to characterize the horizontal wind deviation distance characteristics of the entire transmission line’s towers during the four seasons, and their seasonal wind deviation characteristics are analyzed. The method proposed in this article provides data support for line patrol work, improving the efficiency of line patrol work for operators.
Received: 16 August 2023
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ZHANG Xiaodong,LI Bo,ZHANG Tiange等. Calculation and analysis of wind deflection in transmission lines based on K-means clustering algorithm[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(12): 20-26.
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