Research and application of equipotential operation with electric lift for 220kV transmission lines |
QIAO Pifan, ZHAO Rongsheng, SONG Yunhai, WANG Liyong, ZHANG Kai |
State Grid Weifang Power Supply Company, Weifang, Shandong 261000 |
Abstract At present, the live operations of 220kV transmission lines adopts insulated soft ladders, hard ladders or the way of entering and leaving the electric field along the insulator string. In view of the extremely high physical requirements and safety risks of climbing towers, etc, a new method of live operations for 220kV transmission lines is proposed. In this paper, the feasibility of the proposed method is demonstrated, and its safety is verified by withstand voltage test. First, the basic operation process of equipotential operation using electric lift is described. The operation method and safety precautions of throwing traction rope with unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), building the rope protection station and operating the electric lift are explained. Then the method is verified by the live operation, and it is concluded that the equipotential operation using electric lift for 220kV transmission lines can greatly improve the operation efficiency, reduce the labor intensity, and improve the safety of the operation. The average working time is reduced from 112 minutes to 40 minutes. The safety risks such as falling from heights and electric shock are reduced effectively.
Received: 13 February 2023
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QIAO Pifan,ZHAO Rongsheng,SONG Yunhai等. Research and application of equipotential operation with electric lift for 220kV transmission lines[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(3): 85-92.
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