Analysis of current fluctuations of electric motors in thermal power plants |
MA Jiansheng1, ZHAO Jianli2, ZHAO Yuxin2, LIU Fangfang2 |
1. Rundian Energy Science and Technology Co., Ltd, Zhengzhou 450018; 2. China Resources Electric Jiaozuo Co., Ltd, Jiaozuo, He’nan 454000; |
Abstract The common faults of high-voltage asynchronous motors include rotor bar breakage cracks and eccentricity, and the stator current exhibits continuous fluctuations. This article confirms the existence of bar breakage cracks in the motor rotor through time-domain and frequency-domain calculation and analysis of the current of a 2B circulating water pump motor in a 600MW thermal power plant. The results of motor current signature analysis (MCSA) are verified using the generalized demodulation method. By utilizing the characteristics of stator current fluctuations when there are defects or faults in the rotor, an asynchronous motor current fluctuation warning algorithm based on distributed control system (DCS) operating data is established, and the effectiveness of which is verified through the historical current data of faulty motor. It is shown that as the continuous deterioration of the rotor bar breakage can effectively trigger warnings.
Received: 07 April 2024
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MA Jiansheng,ZHAO Jianli,ZHAO Yuxin等. Analysis of current fluctuations of electric motors in thermal power plants[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(8): 75-80.
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