Design of a Contact Ranging Refractory Brick Automatic Measurement System |
Ban Yue1, Jiang Lei1, Ban Yaotao2 |
1. Electric Engineering College, Liaoning University of Technology, Jinzhou, Liaoning 121001; 2. YingKou Freedom Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd, Yingkou, Liaoning 115000 |
Abstract Aimming at overcoming the shortcomings of low labor detection efficiency and large errors, the paper design and develop the appropriate automated gauging systems, based on the contact ranging principle. Measurement data can be acquisited and transmitted to IPC for real-time display, and stored in a dedicated database for users to access. By field comparison test and analysing system stability along with other performance indicators, the results show that the system overmatches manual inspection, possessed of a strong practical value.
Published: 20 April 2015
Cite this article: |
Ban Yue,Jiang Lei,Ban Yaotao. Design of a Contact Ranging Refractory Brick Automatic Measurement System[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(04): 61-63.
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