Study on Lightning Overvoltage for 1000kV Transmission Line under the Impulse Corona Models |
Yang Hailong1,Li Hewei1,Wen Yi2,Lei Hao3,Chen Xin1 |
1. School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Xihua University, Chengdu 610039; 2. State Grid Ya An operations division of Si Chuan Electric Power Repair Co., Ltd, Yaan, Sichuan 625000; 3. State Grid Pan Zhihua Electric Power Supply Co., Ltd, Panzhihua, Sichuan 617000 |
Abstract The lightning disturbance accident of 1000kV transmission line is one of the important reasons causing transmission line trip, so it is especially necessary to study on the lightning overvoltage of UHV transmission line. In the insulation margin design of the substation,an important factor in the effect of the impulse corona on transmission line that affect lightning waves attenuation and distortion are ofen ignored, which leads to make strict requirements for the insulation of electrical equipments. Different corona models are estabished by using the electromagnetic transient program ATP-EMTP to simulate the lightning overvoltage of 1000kV transmisiion line. And an improved corona model is discussed in this paper. The results provide reference for lightning protection design and operation of UHV transmission line.
Published: 19 May 2015
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Yang Hailong,Li Hewei,Wen Yi等. Study on Lightning Overvoltage for 1000kV Transmission Line under the Impulse Corona Models[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(05): 6-11.
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